Personal & Corporate Tax

Corporation Tax

A business must pay Corporation Tax on profits earned from doing business as a limited company, a foreign company that has a UK branch or office or a club or cooperative i.e. community group.

Due to the fact that a company doesn’t actually receive an invoice for this corporation tax, means that it is your responsibility to work out, pay and report your tax. Failing to do so will result in harsh penalties, which is why we are here to make sure that your tax planning is carried out efficiently and to the tight guidelines.

We will:

  • Determine the most tax effective structure to suit your business
  • Take full advantage of any tax opportunities and reliefs
  • Achieve the optimum capital or revenue tax treatment
  • Reduce tax on disposals and maximise relief on acquisitions
  • Make the most of the tax opportunities that are specific to your industry
  • Help you to meet the harsh demands of compliance
  • Act on your behalf with the tax authorities in any discussions

Getting to grips with corporate tax planning and having the best practices in place, will all help to significantly improve your bottom line.

Personal tax

Personal tax planning is another hurdle that needs to be taken in your stride.  Any opportunities that there may be to minimise your tax bill, you should take advantage of.

We have a team of tax specialists who will be there to provide you with advice on:

  • Income tax
  • Capital gains tax
  • Inheritance tax
  • Trusts and estates
  • Non-domiciliary tax issues

Each pound of income tax that you end up saving gives you more income at your disposal.

Every well planned disposal of assets means that there is minimal loss of capital gains.

Every inheritance tax saving provides more benefit to your beneficiaries.

Trusts are quite an easy, tax efficient way to set aside your assets for future beneficiaries outside of the inheritance tax net. In terms of trusts, we will advise you on the most suitable type, help you to set a trust up and also provide you with a full range of accounting services.

One of our other areas our team focus on, is wills and executorship. Where needed, we can advise you on any preparation required for your will and if required, can act as a trustee or executor.

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